7 Eleven Hangover Snacks To Enjoy


Thailand is home to some of the best food in the world. With an abundance of recipes, the Thai cuisine is as tasty as any you’ll experience in Asia. Streets ahead of any of its Southeast Asian neighbours, Thai food comes in all shapes and sizes. If you’re a bit of a foodie, visiting and travelling Thailand might well turn you into a food blogger!

But let’s be honest, we all have our comfort foods. The chain 7 Eleven is popular in Thailand due to it’s western-like snacks and meals, and at a fraction of the price still. Especially if you’re having a drink in Thailand, or just exploring in its unabated heat, you’ll crave some sort of comfort food at least once. Now, things might not be exactly the same as back home, but they come close enough. Here are some popular snacks we’ve came across over the years.

The Toasty

Ham & cheese, tuna and cheese, fried chicken and ketchup, the toasty is legendary to travellers in Thailand. Only costing from 27 baht, the toasty is a quick snack that does the job. If you’re tired of Pad Thai, try a toasty it’ll be heaven!

The Mini Pizza’s

The mini four-sliced pizzas are a cheap alternative of the Italian favourite. Quickly bundled into the microwave, they are easy to eat like the Toasty. If you’re a pizza fan and want your quick fix, these are perfect!

The Swirling Hotdogs

How many times have you walked into a 7 Eleven and seen them hot-dogs swirling at the counter? Well, they are pretty tasty! We have to admit though, we’ve only ever tried them when we’ve had a couple beers, but still, they do the job!

Lays Potato Chips

Lays are everywhere and you’ll be thankful to know, 7 Eleven have tons of them in store! Although because it’s Thailand, there maybe some alternative flavours such as Seaweed, but hey, who doesn’t love potato chips?


Probably the most common snack for bus journeys, Oreos seem to be on every shelf in Thailand that sells western products and 7 Eleven is no different.

Blogger: Tommy Walker (Wanderingwalker)


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